Thursday, May 29, 2008

First entry not likely to be seen

First things first, an introduction. My name is (removed for privacy and security). I am a 29 year-old white male born and raised mostly in the Los Angeles area, where I currently reside. I am a licensed professional in my field feeling some of the strain on the economy in recent years in terms of available work, energy costs and general cost of living. I am not particularly educated, but I like to think that I have insight and perspective in areas that are completely outside of my expertise. My interests vary from music and video games to politics and a general revulsion of the Church of Scientology.

I am not a "member" of the Anonymous movement, nor am I a public detractor of Scientology. I am an ex-member, recently converted to the Church of the Liberated Mind (I totally just made that shit up). As such, many of my entries will pertain to Scientology in theory, practice as well as current events specific to the Church. Of course I can't omit my other interests either. I am an avid gamer, currently knee deep in Lord of the Rings Online and am more or less disgusted with the crap I hear on the radio foisted off on my delicate sensibilities as "music."

So, please have a seat, enjoy the show as I ramble, rant and occasionally impart some kernel of wisdom that I stumbled across while trying to make life suck just a little bit less.

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